Malta Society of the Blind

Aims and Objectives

MSB's aims and objectives are driven by the long history of MSB and the dedicated board members. Our ambitious goals stretch from assistance and emotional support for individuals to being a voice for the blind and partially sighted in public society. To fulfill our aims, we set up our main objectives:

  • To be the voice of the blind and the visually impaired to have the same opportunities, rights and choices as others to fully participate in society.

  • To use all resources of assistance for the blind and visually impaired and their families, and give advice and assist in the choice of assisted technology and equipment to reduce the impact of loss of vision.

  • To assist and enable the blind and visually impaired to live an independent life of their choice.

  • To campaign for public places, buildings, services and the environment to be safe and accessible for the blind and visually impaired.

  • To collaborate and work hand in hand with other organizations and private entities not particularly in the field of the visually impaired for the well-being of the blind and visually impaired.

  • To receive financial contributions, organize fund raising and other assistance for the use and goals of the blind and visually impaired.